If you see an error message in your cart such as those below, or if Address Auto-Complete has stopped working this is an indication that you have reached the maximum spending limit set on the Fetchify Data Validation App.
Persistent availability warning message on Fetchify UK Postcode Lookup
Persistend warning message for all email addresses, including those you know to be valid
The default spending limit is £50 GBP, equivalent to 1000 UK Postcode Lookups.
You can correct this by increasing the spending limit as follows :
Log into your Store Admin
Navigate to Settings > Apps
Open the Fetchify Data Validation App and click on the Usage Charges section
In the popup, adjust your spending limit to a higher amount than the default £50 per month billing cycle and Save.
To work out how much you should adjust your spending limit to, consider how many UK orders you process each month, add a small % buffer to account for incomplete checkouts and multiply that by the app usage rate of £0.05GBP.